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El ingrediente de esta semana es la calabaza «cubana». Desde el principio del blog hago un plato cada semana con el ingrediente elegido. Existen muchísimos tipos de calabazas y de ellas se puede aprovechar todo, lo mismo se usa para guisos que para dulces. Es riquísima hervida con un poco de mojo, como esta que hizo Aguaya y que me ha hecho la boca agua hoy en Facebook. Me encantan las semillas tostadas y en México probé platos deliciosos preparados con sus flores.
La inspiración para la receta de hoy la he tomado del libro El metodo Dukan ilustrado. Como adelgazar rapidamente y para siempre (The Illustrated Dukan Diet) (Rba Practica) (Spanish Edition), que es parte de la colección de la famosa dieta del Dr. Dukan, que ha hecho bajar de peso a celebridades como Kate Middleton, Penélope Cruz y Jennifer López. Del libro he tomado la idea de rellenar la calabaza; así como el tiempo y la temperatura para cocinarla, pero el relleno es cubano. Da para 2 o 3 personas y lleva 50 minutos de preparación. Eso sí, es muy fácil.
There are many types of pumpkins and you can take advantage of them all to make either savory or sweet dishes. My favorite ones are the “Cuban” pumpkins, those big ones very orangey inside. I can have them just boiled with a little mojo on top.
Pumpkins are very healthy food. Because of its high water content is used as a diuretic, they are low in calories, and its content of vitamins A, B and C is very high. Besides that they contain minerals such as iron, potassium and calcium.
I have taken the inspiration for today’s recipe from the book The Illustrated Dukan Diet (Spanish Edition), which is part of the collection of the famous Dr. Dukan diet method that has made loss weight to celebrities like Kate Middleton, Penelope Cruz and Jennifer Lopez. But, from the book I’ve taken only the idea of stuffing the pumpkin, as well as the time and temperature for cooking, but the ingredients inside are very Cuban. So let’s make Cuban Style Pumpkin Stuffed with Ground Beef.
It’s very easy to made, serves 2 to 3 people and is ready in 50 minutes to prepare.
½ medium pumpkin
½ pound of lean ground beef
½ white onion
½ green pepper
2 garlic cloves
1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 pinch of smoked Spanish paprika
½ tsp. cumin
1 bunch of cilantro
½ cup pitted green or black olives
Preheat oven to 465°F.
Clean the inside half of the pumpkin with a spoon, removing the seeds, wash it and place it on a tray in center of oven for 20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, prepare the stuffing. Chop well the onion, garlic, green pepper, and the cilantro and slice the olives. Keep them separate.
Marinate the ground beef with salt, cumin, and paprika. Mix with the chopped onion, pepper and garlic. Cook over medium heat in a skillet until the meat change its color, stirring constantly. Add the olives and canned tomatoes (including juice). Add more salt if necessary and pepper to taste. When the sauce is almost completely reduced, add the cilantro and mix well.
When the pumpkin is cooked, take it out of the oven, fill it with the prepared meat and return it to the trade into the oven. Cook another 30 minutes.
You can add raisins at the time of adding olives and tomato. I thought it would be a little sweet, since the pumpkin is kind of sweet already, but I’m sure many would love it like that.
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Vero, super receta!!!!! no soy amante de la calabaza pero está promete. Besos
Are you sure to cook it at 465°F?
Vero me gusta mucho la idea, nunca la hice, esta temporada mi familia está de suerte porque la voy a hacer.
Espero lo disfruten mucho. El picadillo es uno de mis comfort foods favoritos y con el dulce de la calabaza va de maravillas.